You have a message the world needs to hear
Expert coaching to unlock unforgettable presentations & damn good conversations
Amazing Recent Clients
Keynote Presentations
Podcast Interviews
Book Launches
Keynote Presentations • Podcast Interviews • Book Launches • Conversations • Stories •
I've hosted over 300 damn good conversations with guests including:
Mitch Albom
Daniel Pink
James Clear
Annie Duke
Seth Godin
Roy Firestone
Debbie Millman
When we work together you WILL:
Develop your unique conversation style & voice
Drive sales by connecting with customers and clients like never before
Tell your personal & business story with confidence
Learn repeatable strategies to have better conversations
Captivate new audiences
Connect with loved ones like never before
Turn the book you just published into damn good conversations.
Megan and I worked together around her book launch so that she could best communicate her core message on stages, podcasts, and in fireside chats.
Need to crush an upcoming speaking opportunity?
I’ll help you navigate challenging questions and land your message with future clients and customers.
Cooking up a creative project?
Should I Hire A Coach?
Are you involved with at least one interview, podcast, or presentation per month?
Are you looking to level up your career?
Are you willing to work for it?
Take it from them. This program is not for everyone. But it might be for you.
There's a difference between chit-chat & a damn good conversation.
Popular Services
Discovery Call
Free 20-min consultation + Q&A
Let’s get to know each other. I’ll ask questions to determine whether our custom program can accelerate your goals. Either way, you’ll leave the call with clear next steps for higher ROI during conversation and an overall approach to your communication style.
Media Audit
I prepare a customized audio and text resource for you to reference forever. This accompanies one follow-up coaching session at no additional charge. [30 mins]
Full notes and recordings included.
Short Term | High Impact
3 one-on-one personalized coaching sessions [30 min each]
We will work together to improve your speaking skills fast. This program is designed for communicators looking for a refresh or a tune up before a guest appearance on a podcast or delivering a key presentation.
Damn Good People
“Joe is the Vince Lombardi of the spoken word.”
— Cole Schafer
Copywriter | Honeycopy.com
“In a sea of mailed-in podcasts where the hosts go through the motions and ask rote questions, Joe stands out as one of the best.”
— Laura Gassner Otting
Author | Washington Post Best Seller
“Working with Joe for two months advanced my career by five years.”
— Jake Gronsky
Author | Web Growth Advisor
"Anyone can ask some questions, but Joe's curiosity sparks contagious conversations."
—Thomas Kemeny
Author | Award-winning Copywriter
Who We Help
Program Directors
Podcast Guests
Project Managers
Corporate recruiters
Artists (No, seriously, we’ve helped artists)
The media world has changed. Everyone has a microphone. Maximize every opportunity to tell your story.
Damn Good Conversations mean people listen to you
Let’s get a few things straight:
A network is not your Twitter following.
Making DEEPER connections does not mean an awkward DM over LinkedIn
Growing your career does not mean you must have VC funding and move to Silicon Valley
Having a Damn Good podcast does not mean you have to be Tim Ferris
Connect deeper.
Grow your network.
Build your career.
Zoom calls.
Virtual conferences.
Yes, you’re still on mute.
This is not the new normal.
We’re making sure of it.
Imagine how different your career could be if you committed to connecting deeper with the people around you.
Instead of walking away from conversations wondering how that went, imagine what it will feel like knowing you knew just what to say.
Begin to see the power of asking the right question to the right person at the right time.
A Damn Good Conversation makes an impression.
It inspires action.
It makes your work stick.
On Saturday, July 1, 2017 I was scared.
Scared of launching a podcast.
Scared of paying a $7 dollars a month to host it.
Scared of what people would think.
Flat-out scared.
Four years later, I have recorded damn good conversations with over 200 of the world’s most fascinating people.
What changed?
I took action.
I listened to the right person.
I took the Impostor Syndrome out back, shot him, and buried him in the yard.
So can you.
I have helped leaders, business women, teachers, people like you, know just what to say when it matters most.
If you have ever felt the pull to do more.
If you have ever had to remove your foot from your mouth.
If you have ever seen the power of the right words, at the right time, to the right person.
Let’s have a Damn Good Conversation.
Joe Ferraro Bio
Feel free to copy & paste preferred bio for podcasts and appearances
Aggressive Bio
Your message is too important to be on mute. Your time is too valuable to be wasted. Joe would love to help you have the best conversations of your life. I know, it’s a bold claim, but Joe has an allergy to small talk.
Joe’s mission is to teach you repeatable ways to have damn good conversations, every single time. Conversations that grow your podcasts. Conversations that articulate your work. Conversations with your boss, manager, clients, or audience that connect deeper and go further.
It’s not selling. It’s not a hack. It’s not a shortcut.
It’s a personalized, systematic approach that will improve your life & career connecting with what matters most.
Traditional Bio
Joe Ferraro is currently in his 22nd year as an educator, teaching English 12, Public Speaking, and Creative Writing. In addition to his work in the classroom, he is the founder of DamnGoodConversations.com, a company whose mission is to teach you repeatable ways to have the best conversations in your life and work. His flagship service is the weekly personal growth podcast One Percent Better. Every Sunday, Joe releases conversations with fascinating people like Seth Godin, Daniel Pink, James Clear and Debbie Millman designed to help people leverage small changes in mindset, language, and behavior in order to get life-changing results.
Joe loves having conversations on podcasts and has been the featured guest on many including The Productivityist, Teacher Tunnel, Creative NonFiction, TopCoach, and The Danny Miranda Podcast, Connect with Joe on Twitter @ FerraroOnAir or email him here.